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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

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I’ve played countless free MMORPG games and I’ve noticed that almost every single one has something in common; garbage translations. Free MMORPGs released in the United States and Europe avoid this problem but it’s upsetting that so many good MMORPGs are plagued with poor translations. Games like Holic Onl
5. Holic Online
Holic Online just barely made it on this list. The game has absolutely gorgeous 3D anime inspired graphics. Holic Online definitely blows away every other “cartoony” game in terms of graphics. The only other “cartoony” game that can almost hold its own against Holic Online is
In order to compete in the rapidly growing MMORPG market, developers are definitely trying out new things. When I first started playing MMO games back in 1999, games like Ultima Online and Everquest offered no tutorials at all, and players had to figure out what to do. Games are becoming more and more user friendly and now involve more in-depth tutorials than ever before. Games like Eve Online and
With the explosive growth of the MMORPG market, it’s upsetting to realize that a lot of MMORPGs are lacking simple features that would greatly enhance the enjoyment of that particular game. New games are coming out almost every week and developers still exclude some obvious must have features. Developers please take note of these features and try and include them in future projects. The top five must have features in
MMO Questing (22-Nov-2008)
Most MMORPG games today offer an alternative way to gain experience other than grinding; questing. The problem with questing in MMORPGs is the lack of creativity and effort put forth by the developers. Almost every MMORPG has the standard “Go outside town and kill X amount of Y Monsters”. Replace X with a quantity and Y with a type of monster.
Almost every Mmorpg today, free to play or pay to play, has the same system of advancement, and that’s the leveling system. There are so many things wrong with the leveling system that I’m surprised it’s still the standard today. Games like Eve Online and Ultima Online both have unique systems based on skill gain rather than simply “leveling up” to get stronger. Pla
When you look at MMORPGs they all feel so similar. I already wrote an article about how all MMORPGs are the same, and I’d like to be a bit more positive this time around and write about MMOs. Unlike MMORPGs, MMOs all feel unique, as they are all incredibly different. For all of you that don’t know the difference between MMORPG and MMO, it’s simple; MMORPGs are role play games, while MM
I’m tired of getting excited about an MMORPG and after playing it for a couple hours realizing that it’s the same thing as every other free MMORPG out there. It’s as if every single game runs off the same system, but each game has its own character models, classes and setting. Other than those three things, almost every game plays the same way. I’d love to see developers try an
MMORPG or just MMOG? (22-Nov-2008)
MMORPGs today lack any sense of role playing and story. I remember when I first started playing Everquest, I felt as if I was thrown into an actual world, as NPCs actually interacted with you. I remember when I walked down the streets of Qeynos, a town in EverQuest, one day I heard two guards discussing the politics of the town, and I heard another guard arguing with another NPC. If you walked around town long enough you would learn a lot about wh
Every time I download and play through a new free MMORPG I usually spot a few similarities in that particular game that I’ve seen in other games, which is perfectly normal. I actually prefer that games borrow successful features from other games, but when a game looks almost identical to another game, there is definitely something wrong. MMO developers are definitely getting lazier and lazier
With the explosive growth of MMORPGs on the PC, people are probably asking themselves when MMORPGs will come to consoles. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening… ever. Sony gambled by releasing their famous “Everquest” title to the Playstation 2 and the end result was failure. The game simply didn’t attract enough attention from gamers.
With so many new free MMORPGs out on the market there are bound to be games where one class is either extremely over powered or absurdly gimp. The biggest problem with class imbalances are that developers rarely fix them. This isn’t a new problem either. Some MMORPGs have been plagued with class imbalances for years and they choose to ignore them.
Reviewing MMORPGs (22-Nov-2008)
Once you’ve played a few MMORPGs, you’ve pretty much played them all. I’m not going to rant about all MMO games being clones of each other again, but I’d love to see an MMORPG do something revolutionary
One of the biggest appeals of MMORPGs and MMOs is the massive community in the game world. The more players there are in a game the better the gaming experience
The Free MMORPG Genre (22-Nov-2008)
As I’ve mentioned in my previous articles, the free MMORPG industry is growing by leaps and bounds every year. New MMORPGs and MMO games are being released on an almost weekly basis here in the United States. Games like MapleStory and Scions of Fate each
MMORPG Addiction (22-Nov-2008)
All MMORPG gamers know that playing an MMORPG is significantly different than playing an FPS or any other video game. Other video games simply don’t have the same sense of community and progression as MMORPGs or the same sense of accomplishment when leveling up.
I remember when I first began playing MMORPGs It took me forever to type simple sentences as I was only 12 years old at the time. The game I began my MMORPG career with was Ultima Online, and like every other MMORPG the game had a community, and if I wanted to find some people to hunt with or trade with, I’d have to talk to them. The only real way to get better at something, it to keep doing it; and playing MMORPGs forces you to interact with
When ever I tell my friends that I made a female character in a new MMO, my decision is often met with an awkward silence followed by bouts of laughter. Why would a young man choose to play as a woman? There must be something wrong with me, right? Well maybe there is but I feel playing as the opposite gender gives me the unique ability to see how the other half lives.
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Over half of the subscribers that left World of Warcraft to play Funcom's rival PC MMO Age of Conan have since returned to World of Warcraft, developer Blizzard has revealed, adding that the return rate from Mythic's Warhammer Online is currently at 46%. More info on
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